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Message to New England Arab American Organization

New England Arab American Organization - Arab organization in Portland ME

New England Arab American Organization

(207) 347-0249
(207) 347-0249



About New England Arab American Organization

We are an energetic group of professionals who are passionate about advocating for our mission and vision. Immigrant and refugee voices inform all programs and services as well as our vision for a healthy, resilient, integrated community. We speak the same language, share the same culture, and cherish the same values and concerns. Compassion and experience make us a highly effective resource to help new Arab immigrants integrate and positively contribute to our new society.

New England Arab American Organization was founded at the request of many New Mainers who came to Maine, fleeing their countries because of war and chaos, to seek safety for their families. NEAAO's goal is to have multiple hubs in different cities of New England to support Arabic-speaking people from many countries. Presently, NEAAO has two locations, in Westbrook and Portland.

New England Arab American Organization’s (NEAAO) mission is to help ease the integration of Arab Immigrants into American society and bridge the gap between the cultures.


Primary Office Location

pin PO Box 1812 Portland ME 04104

pin (207) 347-0249


Social Media

Twitter page for New England Arab American Organization - Arab organization in Portland Facebook page for New England Arab American Organization - Arab organization in Portland
Message New England Arab American Organization
(207) 347-0249